Add a Repeating Calendar Event
This article will show you how to make your calendar event repeat.
Last updated
This article will show you how to make your calendar event repeat.
Last updated
First navigate to the calendar on the sidebar then click on the blue button in the top left hand corner of the main screen and click " + New Event".
Then fill in the desired information, description, and date then click on the "Repeat?" box to gain access to the ability to repeat your event. Choose either daily, weekly, or monthly. Then input the number of days, weeks or months you want separating the event. In this case we want to have the devotional every two weeks on a Friday.
NOTE: Make sure you put the correct end date for when you want the repeating event to stop repeating. It will also inform you how many occurrences of the event will be created if you chose to stop on that end date.
When finished simply click the "Create Event" button.